Spring Pet Poisons

Spring Pet Poisons

Gardening season is here! Plant bulbs are just as excited to break through the ground to add some color to our yards as we are to see some greenery! That said, we need to be aware of the potential dangers spring plants can be for our pets. Here is a list of some of the most common spring plants and their toxicities… so you know how to pet-proof your garden and keep your pet safe!

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10 Common Cat Behavior Myths Decoded

10 Common Cat Behavior Myths Decoded

Cats are the most popular pet in the United States; they are intelligent, affectionate and mysterious creatures. Despite this popularity — and perhaps because of their air of mystery — there are many misconceptions about cats that cause both social and physical problems for these animals. Here are 10 common-but-false assumptions about felines — and the truth behind them.

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9 Ways to Improve your Relationship with your Dog

9 Ways to Improve your Relationship with your Dog

Whether they occur within a species or between them, relationships are much the same in what they require to grow and flourish, and books about improving your relationship with a partner, child or friend offer very similar advice. The ideas that follow could also apply to other close bonds, but in this case, they refer specifically to improving your relationship with your dog.

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10 Tips for Taking Your Dog Swimming in a Lake or River

10 Tips for Taking Your Dog Swimming in a Lake or River

We love taking our dogs swimming during the hot summer months! They’ve enjoyed trips to lakes and rivers as well as the beach and always enjoy swimming. For all the fun that swimming with your dog brings, though, it also means you need to take some dog swimming precautions when taking your pooches swimming in your local river or lake.

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